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Semi-Finished or Braided Coaxial Cables are the easiest way for the cable manufacturers to produce finished cables with only a sheathing line which will meet higher requirements and standards.


DijitalPort is a key manufacturer to provide all cable & wire industry materials including shielding tapes, heat and flame reterdant tapes, yarns, conductor and braiding wires and semi-finished coaxial cables.

Semi-Finished Coaxial Cable is an electrical cable which transmits radio frequency (RF) signals from one point to another. Coax cable consisting an inner conductor surrounded by an dielectric insulating layer and surrounded by a conductive shielding.
Semi-Finished Coaxial Cable

Semi-Finished Coaxial Cable is an electrical cable which transmits radio frequency (RF) signals from one point to another. Coax cable consisting an inner conductor surrounded by an dielectric insulating layer and surrounded by a conductive shielding.